Her Way - Real Stories of New Zealand Women Succeeding in Business and Doing So With Heart
JT Publishing, Ahuriri, 2020. Good secondhand condition.
Her Way is a collection of authentic stories of New Zealand female business founders succeeding in business here and internationally, doing so on their own terms, and with heart. Includes women from Auckland, Wellington, Christchuch, Nelson, Hawkes Bay, Havelock North and more. The personal stories these women share are real and inspiring - sharing the ups and downs, the trials and challenges, but also showcasing the successes achieved through a more inherently female style of doing business. The traditionally classified feminine personality traits such as caring, nurturing, kindness, sharing, helping others, collaborating, creating win-win deals, being mindful of our effect on others and on the environment, balancing family and business, and more, can be harnessed to create a better way of doing business. More and more businesses are enjoying significant commercial success through these values (both female and male led). Women featured include: -Lisa King, Eat my Lunch - Brianne West, Ethique -Anna Guenther, Pledge Me -Sue de Bievre, Beany -Jan Hellreigel, Musician, Songbroker, Airplane Music Services