Historic Places of New Zealand
New Holland Publishers, Auckland, 2014, square A5 size, 79 pages.
New Zealand's historic places are tied intrinsically to the landscape, where evidence of the earliest settlements are clearly visible. In the latest title in his compact pictorial series, photographer Rob Suisted has recorded our most impressive and popular heritage sites. Early Maori pa and earthworks hug coastal and hilltop sites, old whaling stations and remnants from the exploits of gold miners lie in remote locations and fortifications from the New Zealand Wars, historic homesteads and museums recall the colonial period. Bridges, railways, wharves, churches and cemeteries, civic monuments and memorials and other sites of important historical or architectural significance are featured according to region, from north to south through the country. Dr Sven Schroeder has written an interesting text that places the photographs in a historical context, relating stories and incidents that bring the past to life...