The League of Nations from 1919 to 1929 - An Illustrated History and Chronology of the First Ten Years of the League of Nations - International Cooperation Towards Peace in the 20th Century
The destruction caused by World War I was unprecedented in global history - millions had perished, the earth's most prosperous continent had been ravaged, and confidence in a better future had been shattered. Had the optimism and spirit that characterized industrialized civilization died in the trenches? There was finally peace, but was there hope? While it is easy to argue that the twentieth century has been the most destructive age in history, it is important to look at and understand the movement among nations to secure lasting peace that took shape during this period. It is this story that is brilliantly chronicled in the Partners for Peace series. Out of the suffering of World War I was born a movement that sought to have all nations cooperate and to eliminate war from the globe forever. American President Woodrow Wilson was the dynamic leader of this crusade, and his words - later embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations - gave stirring voice to humankind's ancient dream. It was hoped that the League of Nations would defend world peace and bring about international cooperation, the rule of law, and amity among nations. This volume covers the first decade of the League of Nations - from 1919 to 1929 - a time when its image was bright and its dreams unlimited. Author Gary Ostrower recounts these exciting years, providing readers with a variety of perspectives from which to understand this period. Ostrower's incisively written essay examines the birth and development of the League. Special insets throughout the text highlight pivotal incidents, key documents offer the words that made history, and numerous photographs recapture the spirit of a time past. Ostrower's book also offers a chronology of major world events so that League history and the wider global context are interwoven. He demonstrates why great visions are important, and why the crusade for a better world would continue to have a major impact on the twentieth century...