Illustrated Guide to Shaker Furniture
Good secondhand condition with signs of wear; cover slightly worn.
Simplicity, song, and fine craftmanship, these are the qualities the Shakers are remembered for; and interest in the finest works of their hands, their furniture, keeps increasing. However, Robert Meader, director of the oldest and largest Shaker museum, says in the introduction, ... it is very often not an individual feature that will identify a piece as Shaker, but rather the totality of features ... the article under consideration 'feels' right of does not. His book, the most authoritative guide to Shaker furniture yet written, will not only provide the reader with available distinguishing marks but will also help give the foundation for such a feeling.
In 175 photographs, Robert Meader shows 267 individual pieces: chairs and footstools, the only items the Shakers sold to the World and therefore the most easily collected; tables desks, case pieces, pegboards, clocks, and stoves, the items which the Shakers used in their communities; and decadent and doubtful pieces, items made during the decline of the group in the late 19th century. Details are given in another 60 photographs: finials, tilters, decals, pegging, scribe marks, caning, taping, latches, drawers, construction details, and table ends. Before each section Meader gives the importance of the article to the Shakers, varieties of Shaker patterns for the pieces, typical and atypical Shaker designs, and a historical background on important people and influences. With each picture he gives size, wood, added color, date, community, use, details to look for, and present location. A typical Shaker Chair Catalogue is included in the appendix.
Collectors and dealers will find Robert Meader's book to be the best guide on Shaker furniture ever written both for giving the distinguishing marks and for giving the foundation for the definitive Shaker feel. Students of Americana, cultural history and folk art will find in this book a valuable guide to the furniture of an important American communal sect. All will be delighted at looking at these marvelously crafted but simple works which reveal how the Shakers rejoiced in the work of their hands...