Great Tales from New Zealand History
An intriguing collection of tales plucked from the byways of our country's history by a master storyteller who recognises a good yarn when he sees it. McLauchlan tempts our imagination with 46 little-known tales from New Zealand's past.
Here you will discover:
- that Auckland applied twice to the Colonial Office to be a separate colony from the rest of New Zealand
- more about the man who wanted to be James Cook
- when drinking beer legally became an 'art' on the West Coast
- whether Kupe was man or myth
- how Hawera seceded and became a republic
- when and why the Americans planned to invade New Zealand
- which aviation heroine was called a 'naughty girl who deserved a spanking'
- why a posse of politicians committed suicide
. . . and more.
This great collection of tales explores these and many more questions and issues which have fascinated New Zealanders and filled many a page in many a history book over the years. Gordon McLauchlan, a master storyteller who recognises a good yarn when he sees it, brings a fresh perspective on some old and often vexed periods in New Zealand's history.