Your Money Diet - An Any Age Guide to Getting Rich
In this book with a fresh angle, author and broadcaster Bruce Wallace brings his skills to bear in tackling the problem of planning for the future and retirement. The term money diet might seem strange. But think about it, says Wallace. We should use money the same way we use food. We can't do without food and nor can we do without money. Adopting a sensible, balanced approach to food leads to good habits and health and avoids obesity. Applying the same approach to money will ensure that we create wealth and avoid the perils of poverty. Our goal is financial fitness during our lifetime just as we look to good health and longevity through a sensible diet and regular exercise. In no-nonsense language aimed at every New Zealander, Wallace sets out to de-mystify the options we all face. He writes: 'Take a good hard look at yourself, create your financial personality, decide what you need to do to create your finance health - then do it!' Doing it, he says, is the diet.