The Dirty Decade - New Zealand in The Eighties
Tandem Press, Auckland, 2002. In good condition.
A look back at the 80s, and the tumultuous changes in New Zealand life and lives. Photographs and eyewitness accounts give a verbal and visual portrait of a crucial decade. In many ways it was New Zealand's adolescence - exciting at the time but embarrassing to recall, it was a necessary upheaval.The Dirty Decade shows us the way we were, and how far we have come. In 1980 the Prime Minister was a man called Muldoon. As Richard Prebble says, He was the dark side, but it was our dark side. His fears were our fears. He was a very frightened man, scared of change, scared of the future. The future came after the gin-inspired snap election which brought us David Lange and Roger Douglas. They unleashed a revolution which New Zealand is still coming to terms with.