The Great Brain Robbery - Scott, Tom & Grice, Trevor

The Great Brain Robbery

Scott, Tom & Grice, Trevor

The Great Brain Robbery is a very educational but fun book written for teenagers about the effects of drugs on the brain. It really holds the teenagers attention on this subject! It is unique for these reasons: 1. Very interesting to the teenage reader due to the format 2. Has great cartoons on almost every page 3. Has the latest clinical information about the effects of drugs on the brain 4. Has heart touching stories about the effects of drug use on families 5. Has many practical suggestions for dealing with the pressures teenagers face with drugs 6. This book is a best seller in New Zealand already due to this unique format.

Counselors who work with teenagers say, Finally a book the teenager will read because of the fantastic format! This book is written for teenagers and others who want information in a reading style that will not be boring . It has the very latest information about the clinical effects of drugs on the brain.

What makes The Great Brain Robbery so very readable and interesting to teenagers is that it has tons of very funny cartoons with a message by Tom Scott the, leading cartoonist in New Zealand. It is also full of heart touching stories about the harsh effects of drugs on real people like the story written by Emily's mother who lost her young daughter to drugs and the story written by two drug users that recalls their whole horrible adventure into the world of drugs.

The book contains a world of practical help in the sections that simply give: 1.20 ways to say no to drugs at a party without feeling like a dweeb 2.10 actions that will help you kick drugs 3.33 indicators to tell if someone may be on drugs: behavioral changes, school related changes, physical changes, mental and emotional changes, and social changes.

The Great Brain Robbery contains the latest clinical facts on the effects of alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants, marijuana, nicotine, opiates, narcotics, and steroids. It deals with the puberty blues, how the brain works, memory loss, the family dynamics of drug use, how to get off drugs and many other topics that surround the whole issue of teenage drug use. It is a fun book to read on a serious subject.

Second hand Paperback


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