A View from the Brothers - The Rollicking Story of Canterbury Sheep Farming, Shooting, Dog Trialling, Hunting, Horse Racing and Showjumping...
Reed, 1970. Cover faded, previous owner's name inside.
Over fifty years ago a farmer member of the Christchurch Club was heard to exclaim, `It's not the rabbits I'm worried about, it's the Rutherfords!' Certainly in the 100-odd years that the Rutherfords have lived in Canterbury, the family has more than excelled itself in the production of heirs. Much of the North Canterbury, and parts of South Canterbury, are liberally endowed with members of this prolific Scottish clan. Ben Rutherford was brought up on a high country sheep station of the old style, and many are his stories of high country farming, swaggers, the eccentricities of high country cooks, not to mention the lighter side of dog trialing, horse racing, showjumping, pig and deer shooting, and many other more rumbustious aspects of the New Zealand way of life...