The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (Revised Fourth Edition 1996)
Very good secondhand condition.
Containing over 17,000 quotations from 2,500 men and women from all walks of life, this revised edition of the foremost dictionary of quotations offers the ideal bon mot for every occasion. Quotes from all eras are included, from the Bible and Shakespeare to films and song lyrics. This revised edition also contains appendices covering Sayings of the '90s, Popular Misquotations, Advertising Slogans, and Mottos. More non-English quotations are included (many in their original language and English), as well as more quotations from women authors, from the sciences, and from films, TV, journalism, and politics. Each quotation is accompanied by its earliest traceable source, and the main listing by author is complemented by a useful key word index. This edition is especially user-friendly, with expanded information on authors and individual quotations. This book is intended for people interested in literature; writers and speechmakers; gift market.