Home - A New Zealander's Adventure
Published by Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd, London, 1927, 226 pages, ex-library.
Mr. Mulgan, a New Zealander of Irish stock, spent the summer of 1926 in England. He possesses every qualification to write the impressions of his visit ; a justly critical mind; an accurate knowledge of history, political and economic; an intelligent love of nature and art; and a catholic intimacy with all the best of English writers, past and present. His own prose style is simple, dignified, and direct. One might call his book 'the travels of the ideal tourist.' For Mr. Mulgan was leisurely. He spent nights it country inns; he watched cricket matches; he found time to visit Westminster Abbey many times. How many Londoners - can say the same? Miss Leighton's woodcuts are clever; and Mr. Squire's prefatory note is itself an able appreciation of a book that all lovers of England ought to read. We hope that Mr. Mulgan will visit us again. - The Spectator, 1927