Student Hunter: The Hunting Tales of a University Student
'Student Hunter' is about the three years the author spent as an undergraduate student at University of Canterbury. Hunting and exploring the hills of Canterbury and South Westland. Living as a poor student, money was always a limiting factor. Harvesting meat was reason enough to spend every last dollar on petrol to head out of Christchurch into the hills. Most of the more than 100 hunting trips undertaken in those three years started with a note or a txt passed between mates during a boring lecture where a wandering mind always ended up in the hills, much the same as it still does today.
?Hunting is in my blood, always has been. Ever since I can remember I have hunted however I could. My earliest memories of hunting are memories I share with my Grandad. I would join him whenever the opportunity arose to go and shoot a rabbit or trap cats and ferrets in the haysheds scattered around the family farm I grew up on.