Practical Beekeeping in New Zealand - 5th Edition
For more than 25 years Practical Beekeeping in New Zealand has been the bible for New Zealand beekeepers.
The only comprehensive guide to keeping bees in New Zealand, it provides both amateur and professional beekeepers with details on honey bee management throughout the year, advice on handling hive products and information about many other beekeeping subjects. As well as being a guide to beekeepers, Practical Beekeeping in New Zealand appeals to those interested in apiculture and deciding whether to keep bees, and horticulturalists and farmers find it of particular interest for crop pollination. Given New Zealand's reputation in world beekeeping the book has also been keenly sought after by beekeepers overseas.
Comprehensively updated to incorporate the latest information available, particularly on new approaches to beekeeping now the parasitic varroa mite has become established in New Zealand and changed the face of beekeeping forever.