1000 Ultimate Sights
Where do you start? Iconic buildings, awesome canyons, weird monuments, vast animal migrations, spooky dungeons and romantic vistas are just some of the man-made marvels and natural wonders in1000 Ultimate Sights. Make your own list, hit the road, and start exploring the world's most breathtaking sights.
Natural phenomena, including the bubbling Pitch Lake of Trinidad
Architectural masterpieces, including the ground-breaking Sagrada Fam flia in Spain
Wildlife spectacles, including the Elephant Gathering of Sri Lanka
Historic sights, such as the magnifi cent ruins at Volubilis, Morocco
Cultural icons, including the Giant Buddha of Leshan, China
Authors: Written and researched by Lonely Planet, Andrew Bain, Kayla Ryan, Nigel Wallis, Rachel Williams, Ben Handicott, Belinda Dixon, Carolyn Bain, Nana Luckham, Tim Richards, Sarah Baxter, Bridget Blair, Paul Bloomfield, Rose Mulready, Abigail Hole, Andy Murdock