The Night Window
Ex library.
A visionary young filmmaker hunted for sport across a vast Colorado ranch by the celebrated billionaire at the heart of a monstrous cabal . . .
A brilliant computer hacker slipping through top-secret databases a whisper ahead of security trackers, gathering the facts to fight the all-powerful perpetrators of mass murder . . .
A pair of brutal operators, methodically shadowing their targets with every cutting-edge tool in the arsenal of today's surveillance state . . .
A sequence of quiet heroes--everyday citizens--stepping up, stepping forward, intent on countering the advancing darkness . . .
A Vegas mob boss teamed with a homicidal sociopath, circling a beloved boy and his protectors, aiming to secure him as leverage against his fugitive mother . . .
And that fugitive mother herself, ex-agent Jane Hawk, closing in on the malevolent architects of ruin she has stalked as they stalk her, prepared to sacrifice herself to finally bring them down.
These are the people and circumstances of The Night Window, the thrilling new novel in Dean Koontz's acclaimed Jane Hawk series. Replete--and then some--with the ingenious twists, the spellbinding action, the resonant themes, the sheer heart that have characterized Jane's journey from the start, The Night Window follows its extraordinary heroine to her long-sought objective, in a stunning, unforgettable finale.