Living Green - The New Zealand Handbook for an Eco-Friendly, Toxin-Free, Sustainable Life
Green issues are hot, and they are here to stay. But where can New Zealanders find an authoritative yet neutral voice that is packed with the facts they need to make informed life-changing decisions? Living Green is a 'bible' for every New Zealand family: an assiduously researched and effortlessly readable manual that operates on two levels to appeal to all readers. Part One gives 10 simple steps to greening your life. Part Two contains 21 chapters that provide the factual back-up behind each of the 10 steps, in doing so covering a comprehensive spectrum of ecological issues, all of which are tailored to New Zealand readers. Topics include: Babies and children; Personal care products; Healthy eating; Primary foods; Processed foods; Water and other drinks; Shopping wisely; Heath care at home; Pets; Cleaning your home; Clothing, fabric and furnishings; Building and renovation; indoor air quality; air pollution; electromagnetic fields; re-using and recycling; GM; hormone disrupters; sustainability; sustainable business; climate change. Appendix, glossary and index included...