Love, Light and Laughter
How is possible to have strong intimate relationships with others, if we haven't first developed one with ourselves? This is the motivating question behind E-SENSUAL FOR WOMEN; a sensuality programme for empowering women, developed by Shar Henderson. Love, Light and Laughter will complement the programme, and outlines a series of sensual and sexual exercises readers can conduct in the safety of their own home and mind that will enable them to develop sensual self-esteem. Sensual self esteem is an experience of connecting with yourself and the world around you through your senses (seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling, sensing) and exploring how to create and attend to these in a way that enhances your understanding of who you are and your sense of self. The exercises are a simple yet powerful way of supporting a shift from who you experience yourself as currently into more of who you aspire to be.