Sinners at the Stadium
Ethos Publishing 1974 edition
This book is so named, by the author, because of his conviction that Rodesia and South Africa were undeserving of the international boycotts in the 1970s and that these were engineered by interest that had no genuine concern for the welfare of black Africans. This is a story of conspiracy in Rugby. 1973 was the year when, for the first time in the nation's history, traditional ties with the sportsmen from the Republic of South Africa were to be sundered by a government claiming to be imposing a prohibition in the best interest of New Zealanders and their Pacific neighbours...
I dedicate this book to the many fine men of differing race and colour who are working together in South Africa and Rhodesia for the honorable return to world sport of their two countries... and who work thus against bigotry and hypocrisy in other lands. - Robet Fenton.