Otiwhiti Station - The Story of a Hill Country Station and Pioneering Polio Hospital
The Duncans have been farming Otiwhiti in the Turakina River valley since the 1880s, when they purchased the land from the local iwi. The backstory of this station is rich and fascinating. The remarkable, generous family that has farmed this unforgiving Rangitikei hill country has also directed the farm's profits towards charitable projects, most notably the Duncan Hospital, which pioneered treatment for polio patients in the 1940s and 1950s. Centering on Tom (T.A.) Duncan, and his wife Jeannie, the founders and driving forces behind the Duncan Trust, Otiwhiti Sation chronicles the fortunes of the farm from the turn of last century to the present day, and also charts the story of the Duncan Hospital. Family anecdotes and tales about the legendary personalities associated with Otiwhiti and its sister farm Otairi pepper the text... Part family history, part social and farming history, Otiwhiti Station is an engaging look at a New Zealand family that is not only deeply connected to its local community but has also made a difference to the well-being of the country as a whole. Beautifully illustrated with new photography and engaging historical and family photographs, this book is a heartland celebration....