Ageless Body, Timeless Mind - A Practical Alternative to Growing Old
Rider Books, 1993. Reasonable second-hand condition.
The interaction between body and mind processes has become one of the most exciting and revolutionary areas of medical research. Few people are better qualified than Deepak Chopra to explain how we can engage with the limitless potential of mind/body wisdom so as to realise our lives as fully as possible.
In a book which combines lucid theory with inspiring case studies - one of Dr Chopra's eighty-year-old patients gas remarked: 'People don't get old. When they stop growing, they become old. - and with a wealth of practical exercises through which to translate theory into practice, AGELESS BODY, TIMELESS MIND demonstrates clearly and convincingly the innate intelligence of the mind/body processes and the extent to which sickness and aging are created by nothing more than gaps in our self-knowledge.