From the earliest of times, humans have looked to the skies and dreamed of flying to the Moon and beyond. Galileo trained his first telescope on the heavens in 1609, but it wasn't until the late 1950s that Russia and America began an extraordinary race for supremacy in space. This book captures these astonishing developments like no other. From Vega to Space Ship One - the first commercial suborbital vehicle - and with photographs supplied by both sides of the contest, all the major missions and the incredible images they yielded are here, including NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn and its moons; ESA's Mars Express images of Mars and NASA's Mars Rovers (Spirit and Opportunity), as are the photographs taken by one of the greatest scientific achievements of all time, the Hubble Space Telescope.Also featured are NASA's Deep Impact mission to comet Temple 2 and visualizations of NASA's planned human missions to the Moon. Evocative, dramatic and informative, Andrew Chaikin has brought together an unrivalled collection of images in Space that pay tribute to the immense human endeavour and scientific achievement of this momentous period in history.