First Comes Love, Then Comes Malaria - How a Peace Corps Poster Boy Won My Heart ... and a Third-World Adventure Changed My Life - Brown-Waite, Eve

First Comes Love, Then Comes Malaria - How a Peace Corps Poster Boy Won My Heart ... and a Third-World Adventure Changed My Life

Brown-Waite, Eve

Broadway Books, USA, 2009. Good secondhand condition.

Eve Brown always thought she would join the Peace Corps someday, although she secretly worried about life without sushi, frothy coffee drinks and air conditioning. But with college diploma in hand, it was time to put up or shut up. So with some ambivalence she arrived at the Peace Corps office, sporting her best safari chic attire, to casually look into the steps one might take to become a global humanitarian, a la Angelina Jolie. But when Eve meets John, her dashing young Peace Corps recruiter, all her ambivalence flies out the window. She absolutely must join the Peace Corps and win John's heart in the process. After spending a year in the jungle in Ecuador, she runs back to the states, vowing to stay within easy reach of a decaf cappuccino for the rest of her days.

Just as she's getting reacquainted with the joys of toilet paper, John gets a job with CARE and Eve must decide if she?s up for life in another third world outpost. Before you can say, pass the malaria prophylaxis, the couple heads off to Uganda, and the fun really begins? if you call having rats in your toilet fun. Fortunately, in Eve?s case you certainly can, because to her, every experience is an adventure to embrace and the pages come alive with all of the poignant and uproarious details.

From intestinal parasites to getting caught in a civil war, culture clashes to unexpected friendships, First Comes Love, then Comes Malaria is an honest and laugh-out-loud look at Eve?s misadventures as an aspiring do-gooder and her search for love and purpose, which she finds in the last place she expected.

Second hand Paperback


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