The Celluloid Circus - The Heyday of the New Zealand Picture Theatre
Random House New Zealand, 2008, 304 pages. Spine faded with minor wear at spine extremities, otherwise good secondhand condition.
The Celluloid Circus is a celebration of the heyday of the New Zealand picture theatre, lavishly illustrated with many never-before-published period photographs. It's a richly informative and often hilarious record of a crucial part of our social history. The local picture theatre was the place for entertainment, socialising, courting and being kept informed through the all-important newsreels. Wayne Brittenden has brought the era brilliantly back to life - the theatres, managers, audiences, censors, films and the unsung heroes of picture going - the projectionists. The Celluloid Circus also provides fresh and fascinating insights into what was going on behind the scenes. This is a treasure chest for anyone who remembers the advertising slides, tray boys and illuminated waterfall curtains - as well as for those who wish they had been around at the time.