Boycie's Wild Food Adventures
In the great tradition of NZ story telling meet a bloke who cooks a great feed, spins a great yarn and loves hunting and fishing. He is Alistair (Boycie) Boyce and he owns The Backbencher Gastropub across the road from Parliament in Wellington. Politicians love the place but they get no mercy from Boycie who has some of them featured on his wall as stunning puppet caricatures, looking over patrons enjoying his fine cuisine.
Follow Boycie as he gets into his hunting big time along with various mates like The Shadow, The King of Steinlager, The Welsh Marksman and many others. The stories portray his passion for the outdoors and are accentuated by Boycie?s wicked sense of humour as he learns the skills and tricks of the trade of the great outdoors.
This is not a book about big trophies and epic hunts; rather it is one man?s satirical journey into the world of hunting and fishing told with humour, humility and honesty and superbly complimented by his ?Just Do It? recipes that will make your mouth water.