Last Talons of the Eagle - Secret Nazi Technology Which Could Have Changed the Course of World War II
This text provides an account of the secret aerospace technology which was developed in Nazi Germany and had the potential to drastically affect the outcome of World War II. Much has been written about the doodlebugs, V2 rockets and other advanced technologies with which the Nazis terrorized Europe during WW2. But there is a less well-known story to be told: under the barrage of Allied bombings, German scientists were secretly devising plans for an incredible array of weaponry which had the potential to drastically affect the outcome of the war. There were designs for a hypersonic space plane, a manned V1 flying bomb from which the hapless pilot was meant to eject moments after accurately aiming his craft at an Allied target, and plans for aircraft which consisted only of wings. There were dozens more prototypes which were technologically way ahead of their time and against which the Allies would have been helpless...