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Hit and Run - The New Zealand SAS in Afganistan and the Meaning of Honour

Hager, Nickey and Stephenson, Jon

Previous owner's name inside.

In August 2010, a New Zealand soldier died in a roadside bomb blast in Afghanistan. In retaliation, the New Zealand SAS led a raid on two isolated villages in search of the fighters they suspected were responsible.
They all knew the rules. Prior to firing weapons, their freshly issued orders said, 'the commander approving the strike must determine that no civilians are present.' If they could not assess whether civilians were present, firing was prohibited. But it all went horribly wrong.
None of the fighters were found but, by the end of the raid, 21 civilians were dead or wounded. Most were children or women, including a three-year old girl who was killed. A dozen houses had been burnt or blown up. The operation was personally approved by the prime minister via phone from New Zealand. More missions against the group of fighters and more potential crimes of war followed, including the beating and torture of a prisoner. Afterwards no one took responsibility. The New Zealand military denied the facts and went to great lengths to cover things up.
This book is the story of those events. It is, at heart, about the meaning of honour; about who we want to be and what we believe in as New Zealanders.
In this uncertain world of alternative facts and shifting alliances, it is more important than ever that the New Zealand state is, and is seen to be, committed to upholding human rights and the rule of law. That requires a full, principled and independent inquiry into the alleged actions and decisions described in this courageous book, which, if confirmed, would seriously breach international human rights and humanitarian law, and could amount to war crimes. Truth may be an elusive concept these days, especially in a conflict situation. But that is no reason why we should cease to pursue it. - Professor Margaret Bedggood, Human rights lawyer and former Chief Human Rights Commissioner...

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