Growing Great Girls - 100s of Practical Strategies for Bringing Out the Best in Your Daughter
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The must-have parenting book for parents with daughters. After the huge success of Growing Great Boys comes this companion title focusing on girls. There are many issues today to challenge girls and their parents. This book gives support and advice to parents in the same way that Growing Great Boys has done. It includes some general chapters on the nature of girls; girls and mothers; girls and fathers; solo parenting; preschool girls; middle years, and teen girls. Throughout the text Ian and Mary also address these topics: the delightful side of girl-culture as well as the negative side; the special challenges of our current culture - the rise of the brainless bimbo; girls and success - those things which impact a girl's likelihood of success; girls and friendships; girls and self-esteem - character is more important than curves; fun and communication - girl-style; preparing for puberty; building blocks for a meaningful life; mentoring a girl; and lots more...