Looking After Your Nuts and Bolts: Phil Gifford's Kiwi Men's Health Guide
Easy to read, but extremely accurate, this manual covers all aspects of men's health, aimed at making men feel better, be happier and live well. This is a project that's been gestating for a couple of years. Phil has some `skin in the game', having been successfully treated for prostate cancer in 2009, and bowel cancer in 2012. In the process he realised one of the reasons many New Zealand men are not as well informed as women are about their own health is because there is not the same wide range of information available to men as there is for women. Testosterone also dictates that blokes have to be carefully guided towards what's good for them. So while there will be serious messages throughout the book, the presentation will be light-hearted, positive and user friendly. The time for this book feels right. Men are ready to look at ways to improve how they live, especially if it is presented in a way that's easy to absorb and funny.