New Zealand Painting Since 1960 - A Study in Themes and Developments
NEW ZEALAND PAINTING SINCE 1960 sets out to analyse this exciting development, to examine trends, and to discuss the influence of individual painters on the emergence of a series of distinctive New Zealand styles.
In making this assessment Peter Cape has drawn on experience with the visual arts, gained in some thirty years of travelling and visiting artists and galleries throughout New Zealand, and has employed his wide academic background (he has qualifications in English, philosophy, psychology and theology). From this amalgam of learning and experience he puts forward a number of theses particularly apposite to New Zealand in its present state of cultural development, dealing with the recent history of painting and with the processes and functions of criticism.
The 235 reproductions of New Zealand painting make this book an essential purchase for student and art lover alike.
- from the inside cover.
Published by William Collins Publishers Ltd. 1979.
Good secondhand condition, with some fading and slight staining of the otherwise intact dust-jacket.